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Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Turkey brought Turkish pharmaceutical industry together with the official authorities and pharmaceutical companies of the 6 Gulf Cooperation Council member countries

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Turkey (İEİS), in cooperation with Turkish Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) organized "Turkey - GCC Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Meeting" on 1-2 April 2013 in Istanbul. GCC and the official authorities from more than 20 GCC member countries, as well as official company representatives were attended to the meeting.




The legislation implementations for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries of Turkey and the GCC and the market structures are discussed at the meeting of which the opening speeches were done by TİTCK President Dr. Saim Kerman, GCC Assistant Secretary General Dr. Abdullah A. Al Hashem.


In his speech TİTCK President Saim Kerman said: "The world is rapidly globalizing so that the health problems are more easily solved by joint efforts of the whole world. Our country has a world-class pharmaceutical industry. Through these events, we believe that strong partnerships will be established with the GCC countries in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices”. GCC Assistant Secretary General Dr. Abdullah A. Al Hashem said, "We would like to introduce the “know-how’ in your countries to our country for the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors. Turkish companies need be to more closely interested in the GCC countries. Intensive co-operation will provide mutual benefit for both sides”.


Turkish pharmaceutical industry which has been pursuing intensive efforts with the aim of becoming one of the world's major pharmaceutical manufacturers and exporters, for a while had been continuing to its efforts in cooperation with TİTCK in order to increase expert and establish business networks with the GCC countries. In this context, in past November, the TİTCK authorities and lİEİS officials visited Riyadh in where the GCC headquarters located.


GCC which includes Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Oman as its members, has been founded to provide co-ordination and integration among the member countries, and with the aim of providing similar applications for the legislations in the fields of economy, commerce, finance, health, education, customs, communication and culture. 


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